If you’re shopping for an RV in Seattle, you’re not alone; the life on the open road calls to us all sometime. The idea of traveling where you want to, seeing the sites, and still having all of the amenities, has appeal, and today’s recreational vehicles can make those trips a reality. Whether you are in the market for a new or used motorhome, travel trailer, or even a pop-up camper, you’ll find an outstanding range of RVs available.
The kind of RV in Seattle you purchase varies with your needs. If you want to keep it simple, a pop-up camper is a great solution. The Cricket camper is super lightweight so you can pull it with even a smaller vehicle. Most of today’s vehicles are designed for economy, not towing capability, so a trailer that your fuel-saving car can easily tow sounds good. Cricket has the basics and is easy to operate with its one-latch system. Easy to tow, easy to set up, and everything you need for comfortable camping comes in this one neat package.
Travel trailers fill a niche. There will always be those who want some extra creature comforts, but aren’t quite ready for a motorhome. This way you get to carry your home around with you, but you can always detach it to go see sights, do shopping, or head out for an evening of fun. When you get back, you hook up again, and you’re ready to move on to the next point of interest. Meanwhile, you have your kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom handy whenever you need them.
Motorhomes are quickly becoming palaces on wheels. With new lightweight materials, and new engineering techniques, a motorhome can include almost anything a regular home can; spacious living rooms, luxurious bedrooms and baths, well-equipped kitchens, and entertainment systems to make you the envy of your traveling companions. All of these luxuries and you can pick up and go whenever you get the urge.
If you’re looking for an RV in Seattle, find as dealer who can only sell you what you’re looking for, but can service it as well. All RVs require maintenance, and sometimes they need repairs, so find knowledgeable, experienced professionals who you can trust with this important investment of yours. Beaver Coach Sales and Service has been getting people on the road since 1988 and they can help you find the right RV for you and your pocketbook.
